These 3-hour pastel drawing workshops will be held as per the dates in the drop-down menu below and are designed for the complete beginner. Within these workshops, we will be doing some loosing up drawings and looking at works by the old masters such as Van Gogh, Munch, Picasso, Peploe, any many more. Suitable for the complete beginner and all materials will be supplied for the workshop.
This pastel drawing class is run in a very relaxed and friendly environment and we go entirely at your own pace. We want you to have some fun, learn a new skill and all with expert tuition.
- €75.00 per session
- Now taking bookings for 25th September 2024 – only 2 spaces remaining, book soon to avoid disappointment.
- Please read the full description below before booking
Please register your interest in our Workshop waiting list and be the first to know about new dates.
“*cover image used for workshop is a collection of studies after Peploe, Picasso, Munch, Van Gogh and a drawing from the cover of the book Introduction to Charles Bargue’s Drawing Course by Charles Bargue & Jean-Leon Gerome, Gerald M. Ackerman – ACR edition)”